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[PC] 전면 USB 포트 문제 본문


[PC] 전면 USB 포트 문제

블랙오닉스 2024. 3. 6. 16:21

위쪽 USB3.0 이 동작을 안함

Data는 연결되지만 Power가 출력 되지 않음

-> Arduino 연결시 전원 안들어옴


USB 파워 미터 연결했더니 3.3V로 나옴!


구글링 답이 없음 (front usb port voltage level issue)



How To Fix Front (Case) USB Ports That Are Not Working On Your PC

Case USB Ports are as practical as they are prone to failure. Here's how to troubleshoot and fix your front USB Ports when they're not working as intended.



x99 itx/ac


 usb 2.0 header: 2.0 port x2

 usb 3.0 header: 3.0 port x2


 2.0 x2

 3.0 x4

 3.1 x2


BIOS설정 확인 필요

Intel USB 3.0 Mode Select Intel® USB 3.0 controller mode. Set [Smart Auto] to keep the USB 3.0 driver enabled after rebooting (USB 3.0 is enabled in BIOS). Set [Auto] to automatically enable the USB 3.0 driver after entering the OS (USB 3.0 is disabled in BIOS). Set [Enabled] to keep the USB 3.0 driver enabled (Must install driver to use USB devices under Windows® 7). Set [Disabled] to disable the USB 3.0 ports.

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