IT/Platform47 [Arduino] 3. I2C PWM Controller 0. Spec. Board: HW-170 HW-170 16 Channel PWM Servo Driver IIC Interface Shield Board Module PCA9685 Drive Board Features: 1. PCA9685 chip is wrapped in the green power indicator of the central power input terminal of the small board. 2. It is convenient for you to insert 16 servo motors at a time in 4 sets of 3-pin connectors. 3. The servo motor plug is slightly wider than 0.1'', so you can put .. 2022. 2. 3. [Arduino] 2. Gyro Sensor 0. Spec. Sensor: MPU-6050 Board: GY-521 5V-> LDO -> 3.3V A0: Pull-down 0x68 (default), Pull-up(3.3V) 0x60 1. Ref. Arduino Playground - MPU-6050 MPU-6050 Accelerometer + Gyro Navigation Introduction The InvenSense MPU-6050 sensor contains a MEMS accelerometer and a MEMS gyro in a single chip. It is very accurate, as it contains 16-bits analog to digita.. 2022. 2. 3. [Arduino] 1. PWM 0. PWM 핀 배치 PWM Output: D3,5,6,9,10,11 1. 샘플 코드 #include void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(11, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: for(int i=0;i LED+ || LED- > Resistor || Resistor > GND Current < 20mA (5V/220ohm) USB포트 보호를 위해 USB 미터기를 연결 3. 서보 모터 .. 2022. 2. 3. [Arduino] 0. 개발 환경 1. Python + Visual Studio Code + PlatformIO plug-in - Python 설치 Download Python The official home of the Python Programming Language - Visual Studio Code 설치 Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows. Downloa.. 2022. 2. 3. [FPGA] Quartus 0. Download Download Center for FPGAs OpenCL and the OpenCL logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. used by permission by Khronos. Intel and Quartus are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. 1. Concept Platform Designer (Qsys) = IPs + HPS + FPGA 2020. 8. 19. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 다음