IT/Platform47 [Jetson] Power Issue @Nano Jetson Nano Developer Kit The power of modern AI is now available for makers, learners, and embedded developers everywhere. NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit is a small, powerful computer that lets you run multiple neural networks in parallel for applications like image classificati 0. [J48] Power Select Header: .. 2022. 2. 3. [Beaglebone] OpenCV Capturing Images and Video on the Beaglebone | How to capture images and video on the beaglebone and how to process video using OpenCV Getting started with OpenCV on the BeagleBone Black with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Solarian Programmer Discl.. 2022. 2. 3. [Beaglebone] Expanding File System Partition On A microSD Beagleboard:Expanding File System Partition On A microSD - This is a tutorial on how to expand the space used by the file system on an external micro SD card on your BeagleBone Black. This tutorial will work with any of the Linux operating sys.. 2022. 2. 3. [Beaglebone] Debian & MAME Install xmame from source on Debian Linux 7.0 (Wheezy) to play for better MAME (Arcade Games Emulation) - ☩ Walking in Light w Reading Time: 2 minutes Whether you're keen on playing old school arcade games. And you just updated or installed latest stable Debian 7 Wheezy. You will find out current installable Mame (Arcade E.. 2022. 2. 3. [Arduino] Sun Keyboard Converter 0. Ref GitHub - stefanberndtsson/type5usb: Arduino code for translating Sun Type 5 keyboard to USB keyboard. Arduino code for translating Sun Type 5 keyboard to USB keyboard. - GitHub - stefanberndtsson/type5usb: Arduino code for translating Sun Type 5 keyboard to USB keyboard. SUN Keyboard Spec. SUN.. 2022. 2. 3. [Arduino] 4. LCD 20x4 0. Ref Board: LCD2004 Controller: PCF8574 1. LCD I2C 라이브러리 다운로드, 설치 (PlatformIO의 Libraries 메뉴에서 설치) Author: Frank de Brabander Maintainer: Marco Schwartz GitHub - johnrickman/LiquidCrystal_I2C: LiquidCrystal Arduino library for the DFRobot I2C LCD displays LiquidCrystal Arduino library for the DFRobot I2C LCD displays - GitHub - johnrickman/Liquid.. 2022. 2. 3. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 다음