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[FPGA] Vivado License @CentOS & Windows 10

by 블랙오닉스 2022. 2. 5.

1. VMWare: CentOS 6

* hostname

** /etc/sysconfig/network

** HOSTNAME=tttt

* Xilinx License File

** hostname

** return port (2222)

* Firewall Open (firewall-config)

** 2100 port tcp

** 2222 port tcp (return)

* IP 확인

** 192.168.xxx.yyy


2. Windows10

* IP 확인

** 192.168.xxx.1

* 연결 확인

** ping 192.168.xxx.yyy

* Port 확인

** tcping 설치

** tcping 192.168.xxx.yyy 2100

** tcping 192.168.xxx.yyy 2222



tcping.exe - ping over a tcp connection

tcping.exe - ping over a tcp connection tcping.exe is a console application that operates similarly to 'ping', however it works over a tcp port. There are many different implementions of this floating around, written independently by different people. Ther




AR# 69577: 2017.1 Licensing - SDNet 2017.1 - ERROR: SDNet cannot obtain license

I use a floating license for SDNet 2017.1.1.  An SDNet floating license is located on the main floating license server.  I have correctly set the environment variable to point to this server, however the SDNet tool still displays the following:  cannot



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